Sixth Form Curriculum
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Students at DGGS can choose to follow either a ‘3+’ or a 4 A-level curriculum. The 3+ curriculum enables students to pursue a personalised enrichment pathway (PEP) alongside their three A-levels as an alternative to a fourth A-level.
Students can further enhance their knowledge and skills by joining an Emerging Talent Programme or by participating in Supercurricular Projects. Our curriculum is designed to provide students with the flexibility to build their own personalised two-year programme which is tailored to their individual interests and aspirations.
A-level Options:
- Art
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Classical Civilisation
- Computing
- Design and Technology
- Diploma in Criminology
- Drama (From Intake 2025)
- Economics
- English Literature
- French
- Film Studies
- Further Maths
- Geography
- German
- History
- Maths
- BTEC Music Performance
- PE
- Philosophy, Theology and Ethics
- Photography
- Physics
- Psychology
- Sociology
If there are insufficient applications for a specific subject then the course may not be available.
Personal Enrichment Pathway Options (PEPS):
- 4th A Level
- EPQ: (extended project qualification)
- STEM Access
AS Subjects:
3+ Personal Enrichment Pathways:
Work Experience Programme
A structured programme of career exploration involving interview practice, guest speakers, wider reading, workshops on CV writing and covering letters and a variety of work placements.
Kind Minds Programme
A Sixth Form led programme with an aim of promoting positive mental health and wellbeing. Students will work as a team and have the freedom to choose topics/issues that they feel are relevant to our school and create workshops, clubs, awareness campaigns, events etc.
Most importantly you will have fun whilst learning more about yourself and having a positive impact on the life of other students.
STEM Access
A programme aimed at easing the transition between GCSE and A Level Science (primarily for students entering on a grade 6 for GCSE Science, but also available for students identified as in need of extra support at the start of Year 12)
Optima Magazine is a pathway aimed at aspiring journalists. Through team-based projects, students will work to complete termly newsletters, event coverage, advertising and tutor time resources as well as a yearly journal – Optima Magazine. This will be planned, edited and produced by the Optima team and includes articles, reviews, news stories and photography – all of which are student led. It is the perfect accompaniment for any students of English, Art, Photography or Film and is a fantastic opportunity to hone key academic skills in a creative setting.
For Life Skills and Super-Curricular
Students are given an opportunity to broaden their horizons by signing up and completing a huge variety of online courses that range from qualifications in touch typing and sign language to fiction writing and Psychology. These courses are free and students are given designated time to complete courses across the academic year.