How to Apply
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Application process
All applications to Dover Grammar School for Girls should be made via Kent Choices. For external applicants tours of the school site and a meeting with a member of the Sixth Form Team are available on request. Internal applicants will be given an additional application form in school and will be interviewed by a member of the Leadership or Key Stage Team.
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Minimum Entry Requirements
The admissions criteria for the Sixth Form are as follows:
- A minimum of 6 separately identifiable GCSE subjects (or equivalent) at an average grade of 5.5 or above
- These 6 subjects must include at least a grade 4 in English Language or English Literature and at least a grade 4 in Mathematics
- You will require a grade 6 or above in most subjects you wish to study at A Level
- To study Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages or a Science subject you will require a grade 7
- To study Economics a grade 7 or above in Mathematics is required and a 6 or above in Business or a related subject
- Students may be able to study a Science subject with a 6 grade but their 4th option choice must be STEM Access forming part of your Personal Enrichment Pathway.
- For Further Mathematics you will need an 8 or 9
- Short Courses count as half a GCSE
- A positive attitude in your chosen subjects and a respect for school aims, objectives and ethos
- Commitment to the expectations of the Sixth Form and the school community
- Students will not be admitted if they have not completed the appropriate paperwork