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At Dover Grammar School for Girls, the success of our students and ensuring that they are prepared fully for life in the 21st century, are two of our top priorities.
The Careers’ Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme at Dover Grammar School for Girls therefore aims to provide all students with a wide range of opportunities that will enable them to take their next steps to university, college, apprenticeships or into other vocational pathways. The programme aims to give all students access to impartial advice, helpful guidance and relevant literature to help them make informed decisions about their future prospects.
The programme begins in Key Stage 3 and is developed throughout Key Stages 4 and 5. Every opportunity is taken to ensure that students are guided to make choices related to future careers and work and to ensure education and training providers can access pupils to talk about technical education and apprenticeships.
The changing nature of work, employment patterns and developments in post 16 educational provision are explored and discussed in Year 9 PSHE classes and for all year groups in weekly Futures Friday Form time activities. Opportunities such as external speakers, talks from former students, university visits, work experience, and our wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities also help to ensure that our students develop the necessary knowledge, skills and experiences. The school’s dedicated enrichment days help us in particular to deliver these key aspects of our careers’ education programme.
From Year 11, guidance interviews are offered all students through an independent careers' advice service. Further opportunities are provided in the Sixth Form through the school’s 3+ curriculum offer, with one pathway including the option for students to undertake work experience placements with one or more of the school’s many external partners. This is made possible through the strong links that we continue to develop with many local and national employers in a range of different fields and industries.
The resources available on the online platform Unifrog allows students to research career opportunities and further education courses based on their interest and personality. Every student is provided with a Unifrog account.
For further information please contact:
Michael Ellis - Aspirations and Careers Contact